Indian are known as peaceful, tolerant and calm person across the globe. In recent past one year Jammu and  Kashmir along with LOC not have peaceful environment as far as terrorism and cross broader ceasefire concerns. Since from last year our soldier are martyred who had serve for nation till last breath of life as If we memories our Uri martyred Ashok Kumar Singh to till date martyred Pawan Singh Surga. In order to counter this attack we did surgical strikes on 29th September 2016.We appreciated that our prime minister narendra modi had did the surgical strikes for security and safety of Indian.  But the past surgical strikes is not had that kind of impression to hold the nerve of terrorism and cross border ceasefire. Since in reality it is increased. As if we see the term strategic restraint to keep details secrets at the time of surgical strikes then it must helpful to maintain internal sovereignty of India. If we would have managed to keep strategic restraint that time then we have quite different situation today. It is very difficult for a solider of army to admit that most casualties are took place because of their own loopholes. Any question raised on surgical strikes then it not meant to deal with patriotism but it is actually questioning on  unashamed political credits. As since this credits goes on the sacrifices of our soldiers.
In order to give justice to 9/11  terror attack victims, United states of America law allowing 9/11 terror victims to pursue a case against the foreign governments who used US soil for terror attack of 9/11 terror victims in US federal. The Justice against sponsors of terrorism act(JASTA) allows attack survivors and relatives of terror victims to demand compensation. The Indian government should think on such act to get amended in Indian constitution as it is indeed need for future strategies. This will not only solve the security concerns but also reinforced trust in the opposition parties and common Indian public.The attention should be diverted towards future security challenges instead of focussing on political interests.

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