A number of countries are reviewing current agricultural policy frameworks. As reforms to existing policies and support measures occurred in several countries.There have been institutional and regulatory developments too. Chile’s Ministry of Agriculture created the Ministerial Technical Committee on Climate Change to address the challenges faced by the agriculture sector due to its high vulnerability to weather variability. Costa Rica is reforming its extension services to better link them with the Innovation and Transfer of Agricultural Technology (INTA) with the help of country’s agricultural R&D institution. Viet Nam announced a…

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For many years there has been concern about lack of independence in the system of investigating complaints against police officers. The police hold a unique position in society with powers to interfere in the lives of the public and responsibilities to act independently to uphold the law.Inevitably at times this places them in positions of dispute and conflict and will lead to complaints.If citizens are to have confidence in the police service as a whole they must feel that when they complain about individual instances of police misconduct. Their allegations…

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The 1980s were declared the “UN International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade”. The goal was to ensure that everyone in the world had access to adequate water supply and sanitation within a decade, but the goal was far from met. Access to sufficient water for basic human needs should be considered a human right, and is in some countries secured by the constitution. A highly considerable cost recovery policy has been promoted at the expense of the human right to water. Over the past 20-25 years public utilities have…

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  Further, early schooling in two languages simultaneously affords young bilingual children a reading advantage and may also dilutes the negative effect of low socioeconomic status on literacy. Whether knowledge of brain functions and learning can be used to benefit education has been a topic of great controversy. This has an understandable worry in the education community that research on brain function is not relevant to education. Be it in monolinguals or bilinguals, in educational neuroscience has the fullest potential to fundamentally advance contemporary educational policy and practice over the…

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In recent decades, urban growth has not been adopted with residents needs. As a result of this process, many lands have been utilized for construction. The word of “Urban Sprawl” means more growth than the usual and what makes it different from urban growth is this excessive nature. Although sprawl is an American phenomenon, but it should be indicated that it’s different by environmental, economic, social and political situations.  Cities tend to growth and planned growth is reached while there is an appropriate proportion between urban growth and urban organism. But…

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