With the global youth population standing at 1.2 billion, the online and social media have become platform to uproar their voice on an issues which they faced. This is now a modern days social platform which significantly used by young people. While 3.2 billion people (43% of the global population) were connected in 2015, Internet is only accessible to 35% of people in developing countries. The words “social media” first started to be used in 2005.Social media not only means for texting the messages but also it means for communication,…

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Indian are known as peaceful, tolerant and calm person across the globe. In recent past one year Jammu and  Kashmir along with LOC not have peaceful environment as far as terrorism and cross broader ceasefire concerns. Since from last year our soldier are martyred who had serve for nation till last breath of life as If we memories our Uri martyred Ashok Kumar Singh to till date martyred Pawan Singh Surga. In order to counter this attack we did surgical strikes on 29th September 2016.We appreciated that our prime minister narendra…

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Reforming a nation’s security services is an inevitable consequence of large-scale terrorist incidents. The country like India had seen counter terrorism incidents many decades of the years. What the India had learned from those terror incidents and did reforms accordingly is very curious part. But we could see several reforms took place in worldwide after terror attacks in such respective countries.After the 11 September terrorist attacks on Washington and New York led to historic reforms of the US intelligence community.The Illinois Tactical Officers Association hosted the first MACTAC(Multiple Assault Counter…

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In today’s world travel time is the central parameter for the type of transport we deal with. Thats why BICYCLE is an effective tool which give us livelihood city with space diversity and development. Bicycle riding not only boost to less pollution, long life but also creates carbon free air. Till the recent past year 2015, top most five countries which had developed their cities for cycling includes Copenhagen of Denmark, Amsterdam of Netherlands, Utrecht of Netherland, Strasbourg of France, Eindhoven of Netherland.If we can see briefly top five bicyclist…

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As since payment instruction are took place after demonetisation of Indian rupees ,the government had took initiatives to develop cashless payments. For this the government developing more suitable key regulator by the resolution and mobile application in order to boost cashless payment in the Indian economy. As since we are seeing these key initiatives for payment regulation in India. The U.K. Payment system Regulator (PSR) has three objectives: to promote competition, to promote innovation, and to ensure that payment systems are developed and operated in the interests of service users.…

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