After a milestone success in approving on a new international climate treaty in Paris(2015) , we must look at the fruitful implementation of Paris agreement at national level. The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) has been keeping track of countries’ efforts. As per details, 1st to 3rd position remains unoccupied since the Paris agreement came into effect. Till date non of the countries done well enough to secure the healthy impacts of climate change. Let’s take overviews of performance of five countries Climate Change Performance index(CCPI) along with European countries. 

Sweden ranks fourth in CCPI. It is observed that Sweden have shown a relatively positive development in per capita emissions with and without Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry( LULUCF). However, green house gas(GHG) emissions without LULUCF are decreasing at a much slower pace. Sweden’s LULUCF emissions are forest growth along with natural fluctuations in emissions from the agricultural sector. The country’s renewable energy target for 2030 is still not sufficient for the well below 2°C limit. National experts criticize the restricting extent of the renewable energy target that only focuses on the electricity sector. National experts demand action on Sweden’s transport sector and consumption based emissions which not decreasing.

Lithuania secured fifth rank in the CCCPI.  In order to keep well below 2°C temperature, Lithuania have kept high rating in terms of emissions. The emissions trend over the past five years has increased and therefore is rated low. The same can be observed in the energy use section. The country’s 2030 target is rather unambitious and therefore rated low.

Morocco is ranked sixth in tableau of CCPI. Morocco was able to install many new renewable energy capacities within the last five years which most likely will lead to a better rating regarding renewables. To target an ambitious level for 2030, the country shows a high performance in the energy use category. Morocco’s current level of per capita energy use and its corresponding well-below-2°C compatibility, result in a high rating in this category.

Norway occupies seventh rank. Norway ranks high in every indicator of the emissions category. Experts criticize that, the country exports a lot of fossil fuels leading to higher emissions in other countries as a result of high government subsidies. This is reflected in the assessment of national policy. Due to its role in international negotiations the country still ranks high in the policy section.  Norway rating high in the renewables category of the index.

The UK ranks number eight in CCPI. Due to shift from production based to service orientated economy, a high performance resulted in the emissions category. After weakened climate policy in the past years and cut-backs especially on the promotion of renewables, the newly passed clean growth strategy includes a commitment to off-shore wind and to coal phase out. The national experts see the country’s power sector on the way to getting back on track if consistently implemented. The plan also includes policy on clean vehicles which could be effective in further driving decarbonisation. Within the UK the level of ambition varies: While Scotland, for example, has gone for a 2032 petrol and diesel car ban. the same target UK aims for 2040. Yet, the country’s long-term 2030 targets for emissions and renewable energy are not ambitious enough for a well below 2°C pathway.

Finland reached ninth rank in tableau of CCPI. This is especially due to it being the second best performing country in the emissions category. Experts acknowledge the introduction of plans to phase out coal but criticize their government for subsidizing other fossil fuels such as peat. This is why the country ranks only medium in the policy section. 

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